Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I want you to sit down, close your eyes and listen to the words I’m about to say:


(Imagine a time where the Internet is no longer a free based site, where you are not able to surf any website that your chose to see. Imagine a time where you had to pay to go onto Facebook, or google. Imagine, were the internet is taken over by multi- million dollar companies and you no longer have the access to any particular web page… Imagine a life without Net Neutrality. )

  Let me begin now, like any good academic, with definitions.” (Franklin)

Net Neutrality:  Noun; 1. The principle that basic Internet protocols should be non-discriminatory. It is a neutral broadband network that is free of restrictions etc. (dictionary.com)But let me break it down for you in more of border term, Net Neutrality is basically a principle which helps preserve the internet, meaning it keeps it free and accessible to users like us. We all use the Internet, for our own personal interests, whether it may be to research or to use communion services like instant messenger, Skype, Youtube and e-mail. We’ve all become so accustomed to open up our laptops and having the accessibility to so much information at the click of a second. We are used to this free principle that Net Neutrality provides for us, that allows us to see, search, vote, do online shopping and virtually anything online.

But like I said before, Imagine where all of that was gone and that will no longer be the case?


Well, open your eyes WIDE and get in touch with what NET NEUTRALITY really is. KNOW that there are hundreds of campaigns to help save Net Neutrality, to keep our Internet the way it is.  See, after hearing about Net Neutrality, I decided to act fast, I mean to think about a life without Facebook? No that was the least of my worries, but to think about a life without the Internet! As I was sitting in Ian Reilly lecture on Net Neutrality he showed us a website, called Save the Internet.com that was a website to keep the freedom we have of the Internet. It provides description of what Net Neutrality was and ways to help prevent it was vanishing. So as an eager young student who is adequate for the Internet I decided to join Save The Internet and be one of the millions of people to help this ongoing issue.


I know what you might be thinking about right now? What the Hell is going to happen? Will the Internet just randomly stop working and we will soon have to pay to access it? Well that’s the scary part, we don’t know because it’s all in the hands of the nations major Telephone and Cable companies which are: At&T, Comcast and Timer Warner. Yes those are villains that want to take away everything!

 But really WHY would like even consider?

Well for starters, they can gain even more money. They can basically tax providers and discriminate in favor of their own search engines, Internet phone services and streaming videos. These powerful companies have a vision for the new developed Internet. A vision that puts cash into their pockets and leaves the rest of us behind.

            This resulting consequence of what these companies may bring, is a world where Net Neutrality no longer exists and chaos will form. We, the u

sers will no longer be in control in what we do, or have the ability to choose between content and applications, as the internet would suddenly be an online version of cable TV.

            See, you might not think this is all true? I mean to take away the Internet and make us pay? Joke right! Wrong! It has been an ongoing battle since 2005, where they have put Net Neutrality in jeopardy. These multi million dollar companies are currently spending money in pressuring Congress and the Federal Communication Commission to dispose Net Neutrality. However, as i mentioned previously there are ways for us to fight back. To not let this occur. This is a battle for the freedom of the Internet. So let’s start

            Go to www.savetheinternet.com and Sign up and petition for the right of freedom of the Internet.  By coming together and acting as global force, we can fight this

 ongoing battle and save Net Neutrality.



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