Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well for my last post i just wanted to say ... WE DID IT !:) 
well i DID IT !! 

i am officially done! .. I am very sad to actually say goodbye to you all! BUT thank-you for all the help = )
I enjoyed this class very much !

So remember kids " You, You're Awesome!" 

Until next time ! 
Stayed toned!:) 

When will they know!?!!!


When deciding on what activist project I should speak about, I figured that the CUPE 3903 activist project and the University of York would be a great discussion to speak about.
            It all started on Thursday, November 6th 2008, where the CUPE 3903 activist project was released, and where students were told not to come back to school until they were told! I personally know many students that enrolled at York that were jumping for joy to not have school, but didn’t think too much about what might actually happen in the long run! Most of these students now, have been out of school for almost 3 weeks and have either gotten a part job because they can’t afford doing nothing all day, or just take the option and sleep and eat as much as they can!
            But, really imagine how each of these students are getting affected every day by this crazy strike! They have spent thousands of dollars on application fees, tuition, residence fees and even parking permits. So this is where the question lies… .where is all this money going to now? Do they eventually get it back? No one knows!              So let’s get down to the bottom of this CUPE 3903 activist project, and really explain what it’s all about! The University of York has stated that the CUPE 3903 is demanding a 41% increase in the next 2 years, plus providing benefits. Apparently, the University of York Teacher Assistants or better known as TA’s are getting paid the most in the great Toronto area, at a rate of 65.00 dollars an hour. (Each of them working at least 10 hours a week.) However, this is were the whole strike happened, they had argued that no TA works in the GTA 10 hours a week. They stated that, “ We just can’t stop working when our hour is up, when we are helping students with work, we deserve to work until we can!” (Viklund)
            This ongoing chaos has left many student in despair, and not knowing when they will eventually end up back in the classroom! The school predicts that the students can start making there way back sometime in January and will have to make up the classes missed in the summer of 2009.
In conculsion, CUPE does have a reason to go on strike, because they are not getting paid for the extra hours of work, but on the other hand,
  why should the students have to suffer? There are 5000 students that are dying for school to come back, to know that their money is going to their education! But the anticipating question is when will they all find out!


Work Cited:

For more information check out this website:



13 11 2008. York University. 16 Nov 2008 .

Viklund, Andreas. "Cupe 3903 Strike Video." [Weblog Cupe 3903 Strike Video]

15 11 2008. Wordpress. 16 Nov 2008 .

'Facebooking' my way in life!!!

Welcome to the world of Facebook!

            Just like the millions and millions of people all over the world, we have all been confronted with that same welcoming message Facebook sends to all people when they first became active members of this social networking system.

            When I first joined facebook, I was in my junior year of high school. I had no idea what it was, but that my best friend said it was better then myspace! I mean finding something better then myspace was hard at that time. However, I guess she was right! Although at the time I joined facebook, it wasn’t as popular as it is now, it was simply just another website that wasn’t so religiously check everyday. It didn’t contain the latest new features like pokes or games. There wasn’t much advertisement about facebook at that time; it was very simple, pretty unknown.

            Well, we all know that has changed.



Everybody that you might know in your life has Facebook! On average there is over a million people that have Facebook and there is over a million of people that are glued to this social network! A person can spend house entertaining themselves on this website through games and applications and finding everything there is know about everyone.

            Facebook is everywhere; the advertisements are catered to everyone’s interests. They make sure they target everyone, by creating groups and allowing anything to done on facebook! I can actively say that I just made my first facebook group! “  NET NEUTRALITY… LET’S FIGHT FOR FREEDOOM!” And I have actually been really excited about it. I have over 400 members and so many discussions on this topic. It been working to my advantage and I hope in the end it will make a difference… All thanks to Facebook!

            Facebook is great tool for social networking! It’s been one of the leading social networking systems ever invented! If you really think about, everything is literally at your fingertips and allows you to connect to people with similar interest, similar views and to people that you have lost touch with! It acts as search engine; it acts as networking services that many of people are addicted too! Although Facebook eliminates all personal contact with friends, because instead of the old-day phone call, it becomes so much easier to just simply write a message on someones wall. !

See, for the longest time I have threatened myself to delete Facebook, that I simply don’t need it and that it is a waste of time! And after all that I have learned about Facebook, in lectures I still don’t have the courage too! 


So I did a pros and cons list and figured out that I actually, sadly NEED Facebook. Until someone decides to delete then I will have it. It connects with friends and allows me to raise awareness. I guess i'm not using Facebook as a creeping devise but as what it is really known for as a social network system, that connects me with the world around me!




"An Act of it's own" - The world of Culture Jamming!

So what do you see?

The Ipod logo in the top right hand corner, the lowercase “I” , the white rope to the IPod that looks like headphones and the small imprinted detail information about  the IPod on the bottom of the ad. So it basically looks like the common Apple Advertising you see everywhere for IPods. Right? … Wrong?

Welcome to the world that’s invested by Culture Jamming!

Let me give you a definition of what Culture Jamming is, “ Taking an ad and subverting the meaning and radically changing the intended message.” [1] In this case, the idea behind the culture jam took an iconic ad of Ipod, took away all is accustomed features and transformed it to present a message that implicates the facts of 10,000 Iraqis were killed and 773 American solider dead. This culture jam, allows us to never forget about what they presented, it will leave us with the unforgotten memory when next time we see an actual IPod ad. “ By showing little or nothing of a given scene, and offering only clues to the reader, the artist can trigger any number of images in the reader’s imagination.” [2]

            The idea behind this ad is to reach out in different ways. Most of you reading this blog would actually take  time to glance and see what it’s about, because IPods are so influenced within our culture. But I don’t think having a poster with a bunch of numbers everywhere, gruesome pictures in every open space would attract your eye. That is where culture jamming fits in., it replaces what the simple elements of an advertisement and brings about the allusion to a cause or a message. It also leaves an intended message in the viewer’s minds.

            However, going back to this particular advertisement, it can be argued that such a culture jam trivializes the Iraq War. Which we all know today is such a serious and heartless topic. The decision to post this message on the apple ads can be seen as a slap in the face. Well all know that the Iraq war is something that many of us do not touch base on. With the incidents of the 9/11 attacks, no one cares to bring attention on what is really happening. So maybe the media treats the Iraq war the same way as they would treat a new release of an IPod. So maybe it’s a culture jam on it’s own. That they simply talk just as much about the Iraq War then they do about an Ipod.  Think about it ?

As I look back to my first question, “  So what do you see?” I can simply add that this ad acts and speaks and delivers a message, that there are hundreds of people dying and we simply don’t know. But with a simple ad that gives us background knowledge of pop culture we are able to make a connection and understand the intended message.


 Work Cited

[1] Reilly, Ian. Lecture. Mass Communication. The University of Guelph-Humber, Toronto, Canada. 5 Nov 2008

[2] McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. 1st. New York, USA: HarperPerennial, 1994



Try something New- Buy Nothing Day!

Here are some general questions that you can ask yourself while reading my post.

How much money do you have in your wallet today? How many credit cards do you own? Or debit cards have you lost and have? How many times a day you swipe that small rectangular card? Or how many times do you end up spending every penny you had in your wallet?


 How many times have you spent absolutely nothing?

I’m sure many of you could answer every single question on this page. Well I mean the first six questions at least, but not so sure about the seventh!

Our society is crazy, I mean hungry for money! To earn, to see it and then to eventually say goodbye to it! With all this new technology at our fingertips we are going crazy with the amount of purchases we buy, because in today’s world we are never satisfied. We want MORE! I mean, think about something you like, let’s say shoes, and as a new pair of shoes is coming out each day with a new colour or design or comfort you… want them. I don’t think I ever went without a day where I haven’t opened up my wallet and didn’t take out my debit card! It simply so easy, I swipe card and puff I have a bran new pair of shoes! I don’t get see the money being taken away! But how about if that changed, for one day.

On one day, try to leave those addicted cards at home, and try walking the streets with no money! Try going a whole without buying nothing!   And start on  Friday November 28th, 2008, the day that is called “ Buy Nothing Day.”

I know you must be thinking?! That’s nuts, leave your wallet home?! Buy NOTHING?!

Yah, that’s exactly what I mean. Buy nothing day is day where you say no to the newest piece of technology that was released, or to say no to the sales that are happening all around you. It is day that adbusters have started to simply say

“ Change your habits for ONE day.”  

 It is a concept of saving instead of spending. It brings awareness to our population, that the idea alone that we must devote a whole day with our wallets sealed and raises awareness to the population about over-consumption. Our totally population consumes over 75% of its resources and being a part of North America we are notorious for over- consuming waste!



Really think what will happen, if you don’t spend any money for one? It’s worth a shot, take a risk and help save our population. And for those who want to this but really cant afford to not spend money, then try something different. Walk, if you drive every single day, don’t use your cell-phone if your one those people, try not going on Facebook, if you’re a facebookolthic. Just try something on Friday, November 28th, 2008 and say that you did nothing !



I want you to sit down, close your eyes and listen to the words I’m about to say:


(Imagine a time where the Internet is no longer a free based site, where you are not able to surf any website that your chose to see. Imagine a time where you had to pay to go onto Facebook, or google. Imagine, were the internet is taken over by multi- million dollar companies and you no longer have the access to any particular web page… Imagine a life without Net Neutrality. )

  Let me begin now, like any good academic, with definitions.” (Franklin)

Net Neutrality:  Noun; 1. The principle that basic Internet protocols should be non-discriminatory. It is a neutral broadband network that is free of restrictions etc. (dictionary.com)But let me break it down for you in more of border term, Net Neutrality is basically a principle which helps preserve the internet, meaning it keeps it free and accessible to users like us. We all use the Internet, for our own personal interests, whether it may be to research or to use communion services like instant messenger, Skype, Youtube and e-mail. We’ve all become so accustomed to open up our laptops and having the accessibility to so much information at the click of a second. We are used to this free principle that Net Neutrality provides for us, that allows us to see, search, vote, do online shopping and virtually anything online.

But like I said before, Imagine where all of that was gone and that will no longer be the case?


Well, open your eyes WIDE and get in touch with what NET NEUTRALITY really is. KNOW that there are hundreds of campaigns to help save Net Neutrality, to keep our Internet the way it is.  See, after hearing about Net Neutrality, I decided to act fast, I mean to think about a life without Facebook? No that was the least of my worries, but to think about a life without the Internet! As I was sitting in Ian Reilly lecture on Net Neutrality he showed us a website, called Save the Internet.com that was a website to keep the freedom we have of the Internet. It provides description of what Net Neutrality was and ways to help prevent it was vanishing. So as an eager young student who is adequate for the Internet I decided to join Save The Internet and be one of the millions of people to help this ongoing issue.


I know what you might be thinking about right now? What the Hell is going to happen? Will the Internet just randomly stop working and we will soon have to pay to access it? Well that’s the scary part, we don’t know because it’s all in the hands of the nations major Telephone and Cable companies which are: At&T, Comcast and Timer Warner. Yes those are villains that want to take away everything!

 But really WHY would like even consider?

Well for starters, they can gain even more money. They can basically tax providers and discriminate in favor of their own search engines, Internet phone services and streaming videos. These powerful companies have a vision for the new developed Internet. A vision that puts cash into their pockets and leaves the rest of us behind.

            This resulting consequence of what these companies may bring, is a world where Net Neutrality no longer exists and chaos will form. We, the u

sers will no longer be in control in what we do, or have the ability to choose between content and applications, as the internet would suddenly be an online version of cable TV.

            See, you might not think this is all true? I mean to take away the Internet and make us pay? Joke right! Wrong! It has been an ongoing battle since 2005, where they have put Net Neutrality in jeopardy. These multi million dollar companies are currently spending money in pressuring Congress and the Federal Communication Commission to dispose Net Neutrality. However, as i mentioned previously there are ways for us to fight back. To not let this occur. This is a battle for the freedom of the Internet. So let’s start

            Go to www.savetheinternet.com and Sign up and petition for the right of freedom of the Internet.  By coming together and acting as global force, we can fight this

 ongoing battle and save Net Neutrality.



Where Dreams Become True!

Walter Disney created a world where magic came to life; where dreams became reality and where memories lasted forever.

When I was younger  I has always dreamt of this unknown magical place, and at the age of 11 my dreams became true. After watching thousands of Disney Movies and still not afraid of admitting to watching them, the only thing that still runs through my mind is the magic and wonder behind Disney.  The logo of Walt Disney is a symbolization of childhood innocence. The sign has a hegemonic meaning behind it, in that no one would mistake this logo as symbolization of wickedness. It is a symbol that brings a world of make believes; where animals could talk and happy endings are real.

            When simply noticing this worldwide symbol of Disney, everyone makes an instantaneous identification, perhaps of their favourite childhood memory, his or her favourite Disney character or their favourite movie. The world that Walt Disney created, was a world we respond to as a sense joy and happiness. And because of this world that allows us to create our happy endings and dreams we are subjects of their ideology and the beliefs and rules of Disney become our own.

            However, if these beliefs are that everyone finds their fairy tale ending and their dreams will become true, then why is there any concerns about Disney? The answer simply lies in the fact that people perceive Disney as a very powerful organization that influence the thousands or maybe even millions of kids and teens in this world. The way that Disney holds all this sold called “power” is simply through their illusion that they don’t have any power, that there mind set is to create happiness amongst kids and families. And that is exactly what their symbol entails, something that is so positive and joyful to everyone that sees this symbol. “ The mythical signification, on the other hand, is never arbitrary; it is always in part motivated and unavoidably contains some analogy.” [1]  

            See Disney biggest fear is that they don’t want to think that the public fears them, that just because they are mulit billion dollar corporation, that pretty much owns half of the worlds leading corporations. In one of my Mass Communication lectures, Ian Reilly spoke about Disney and many other muilt billion-dollar companies. But the one that we touched based on was Disney, we were able to discover that the company of Disney owns pretty much everything- well in my eyes they sure do. 

            Well know, let me enlighten you on just how many corporations, institutions and organizations Disney actually owns:  “ ABC, ABC Family, ABC Kids, Walt Disney Distribution, Disney Channel, ESPN, Walt Disney Motion Picture Groups, Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Walt Disney Television Animation, Walt Disney Records, Walt Disney Pictures, Jetix, Touchstone Picture, Miramax Films, ABC Studios, Playhouse Disney, Disney Consumer Products, Pixar, Soapnet, Disney Interactive Studios, Muppets Holinds Company, Disney Store, Toon Disney, New Horizon Interactive, and Hollywood Records also owns Disney Cruise. [3]

            I hope you didn’t hold your breath when you read that, because I know it’s very impressive and long!

            Well I’m pretty sure no one  thought that Disney owns almost half of what we see, use and experience everyday.  Overall the hidden messages that most of us don’t see about this big, powerful corporation is that they will eventually take over and be controlled by these media groups. These small, hidden facts that society doesn’t know will eventually take over the public and bring about and even greater impact on costumers like us! “ There is reason to believe they will encourage popular tastes to become more uniform in at least some forms of media.”  [2]  Peter Bart a Variety editor concludes by stating that, “ the world film going audience is fast becoming more homogenous.” [2] – Now who would think that would happen?

            The mindboggling thing about these media companies is that they are all interconnected. This tells me that and you, that they might be just telling us the same thing, the same make believe world that we create. With all their messages being thrown at us, it creates a big hegemony in media. With the symbols that circulate,  the message will still continue to mean the same that is always has, and still will influence and continue to reach the millions of people that it already has.

            So maybe after all this information, after all this researching, we go back to this logo and still notice the same thing, but the variations change. I may still be a place where magic happens and dreams become true, but it’s also a place that’s filled with hidden messages and lots of unknown power. 

Works Cited

[1] Barthes, Roland. Mythologies . 1. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972.

[2] McChesney , Robert. "The New Global Media - It's a Small World of Big Conglomerates." The Nation 11 Nov 1999 1-3. 17 Oct 2008 .

[3] "WikiAnswers." What does Disney Own? 17 Oct 2008 .


You Sold Your Soul To the Devil!

“ You’re in Public Relations?”

“ Yes and why does that sound so bad?”

“You sold your soul to the Devil, that’s why its so bad!”

That was the response I got when I told a complete strange that I was going into the field of Public Relations! … I sold my soul to the Devil, I transferred onto the dark side are the number one phrases many people say about people in PR. I have actually learned a lot about the world of Public Relations, however I really realized the extent of how powerful corporations are, especially when it comes to the news and media distribution. When reading the COLD HARD FACTS in Toxic Sludge is Good For You by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, It opened my eyes to a sneaky world that is controlling and spinning the news.

                  This controlling and spinning news is what we know as Fake News; the news that gets right to the point. There may be many negative aspects of Fake new, the number reason it being all ‘fake’ and nothing else but fake, but when you look at Public Relations and the media corporations’ side of Fake news, you can actually notice the benefits of it all.  It’s  people like Stauber and Rampton that take matter into their own hands and write a book like Toxic Sludge Is Good For You and expose messages like “ little known mega-firms such as Hill and Knowlton, Burson-Marsteller and Ketchum PR- the ‘invisible  men’ who control our political debates and public opinion, twisting reality and protecting the powerful from scrutiny.”[2] This is when groups and companies that do not get enough coverage by the media expose themselves by the attention of irony and satire (Fake News).

                  One example that was mentioned in a lecture by Ian Reilly was the Bhopal Crisis. I never really heard about what it was nor what Fake News was until I watched the short YouTube clips that he presented, but the one that stocked me the most was a group called the Yes Man, that actively speaks on major issues that have not gotten coverage on- this being the Bhopal Crisis.

                  In 1984 there was a chemical gas leak containing more than 40 tons of deadly methyl isocyanine gas that was, “ released from Union Carbide’s pesticide in Bhopal… cost-cutting had ensured that none of the six safely systems designed to contain the leak were operational, allowing the gas to spread thought the city of Bhopal.” [1] In 2001 Michigan based chemical corporation Dow Chemical purchased Union Carbide thereby acquiring its assets and liabilities. The Dow Chemical Company refuses to take responsibility and clean up the mess they bought into. More than 120,00 resident of Bhopal live with illness and suffer from injuries from the chemicals that they have implanted and yet each of these individuals have no yet been treated because Dow will not release the other accompanying chemicals that were released, which allows doctors to easily treat. When looking at The Stanford Amnesty website it details the procedures that have not yet been followed by the Union Carbide or by the Dow Chemical Company.

                  Now this where the Yes Man plays it’s role. They provide us with a fake website called dowethics.com with articles that fold cutting edge satire which expose more about Dow Chemical. Now this is where the BBC news has asked for a Dow Chemical Spokesperson that would reiterate the same stuff they did when they had first bought out Union Carbide.  The Yes Men sent one of their “reps”  that was accompanied with a fake news name  Finisterra that spoke about how Dow will take full responsibility of their actions. 

  After watching that video  it has left me and many other viewers with high hopes of basically nothing. Although in some ways the Yes Man can be true in what they say but at the same time, as written in the website: “ There are some risks to this approach, it could offer false hope- or rather, false certainly…” [1]

                  When the lecture of Fake News was over and after learning and researching more about the Dow Chemical Company is has left me to think that all these major corporations and PR companies do is protect their companies from the mistakes and faults that they once do. So when I read Toxic Sludge is Good for You and researched Fake News, I really thought about PR, and looked back what that stranger once told me, about selling your soul and now when thinking about, I am selling my soul, maybe not to devil but to the company that I represent!

     “ The Public Relations industry has stolen our dreams and returned them to us packages as illusions.” [2]

Work Cited:

[1] Amnesty, Stanford. "The Bhopal Disaster". Amnesty International USA. 05 25 05. 21 Nov 2008

[2] Stauber, John, and Rampton, Sheldon. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You! Lies, Damn Lie and the Public Relations Industry. 1st ed. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995.


