Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finally an Academic Blogger!

I just like to congratulate myself for officially getting my Blog up and running! See, it took me roughly 30 minutes to think of a display name and then another 30 minutes to get my Blog name created! Man was it difficult! I think creating a blog might just be one of the hardest things i have ever done! But not only did those names take long, but knowing that i am going to be an Academic Blogger and having the opportunity to right posts on various topics just made me so much nervous! Yes sweat did drop down my face, and yes my heart might have been pumping at many miles per hour, however to look on the bright side of it all I am now creating my first post and everything is going well for the most part! 
I believe that i say with out a doubt that this process looks extremely easy BUT it does fool you and it does it well! So the sweat is gone and the heart has slowed down it's pace! And i can officially say with pride that I am an Academic Blogger and very proud!